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a) Delegate and Speaker Terms
b) Data Protection
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It may be necessary from time to time to amend the event programme and the details of those participating. Therefore, Forum Europe Ltd reserves the right to alter the proceeding of the event at any time. We endeavour to communicate any changes to both delegates and speakers and we recommend regular checking of the event website for up-to-date developments. If you have any specific queries, please do not hesitate to contact us – we are here to help and your interests are at the centre of our operations.
It is Forum Europe Ltd’s policy that all speaker expense claims must be received strictly within 4 weeks of the date of the expense incurred. Expenses must be agreed upon prior to the event date. Expenses can be claimed on economy travel, an agreed amount of hotel nights and on an agreed number of meals. All travel should be ideally booked in good time to ensure that the lower ticket price is obtained. Unless prior permission is given in writing, Forum Europe Ltd has an expenses payment ceiling of €500 which is strictly adhered to and is non-negotiable. All claims below and above this ceiling will be the subject of review and the amount paid will be at the discretion of Forum Europe Ltd. We reserve the right to refuse the payment of expenses under specific circumstances. We are unable to pay for phone calls, television services or other non-essential items or purchases. If clarification is required, please contact Forum Europe Ltd prior to completing a purchase.
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